1930 | Erwin Schrodinger predicts the zitterbewegung motion. |
1930 | Fritz London explains van der Waals forces as due to the interacting fluctuating dipole moments between molecules. |
1931 | John Lennard-Jones proposes the Lennard-Jones interatomic potential. |
1931 | Irene Joliot-Curie and Frederic Joliot-Curie observe but misinterpret neutron scattering in parafin. |
1931 | Wolfgang Pauli puts forth the neutrino hypothesis to explain the apparent violation of energy conservation in beta decay. |
1931 | Linus Pauling discovers resonance bonding and uses it to explain the high stability of symmetric planar molecules. |
1931 | Paul Dirac shows that charge conservation can be explained if magnetic monopoles exist. |
1931 | Harold Urey discovers deuterium using evaporation concentration techniques and spectroscopy. |
1932 | John Cockcroft and Thomas Walton split lithium and boron nuclei using proton bombardment. |
1932 | James Chadwick discovers the neutron. |
1932 | Werner Heisenberg presents the proton-neutron model of the nucleus and uses it to explain isotopes. |
1932 | Carl David Anderson discovers the positron. |
1933 | Max Delbruck suggests that quantum effects will cause photons to be scattered by an external electric field. |
1934 | Irene Joliot-Curie and Frederic Joliot-Curie bombard aluminum atoms with alpha particles to create artificially radioactive phosphorus-30. |
1934 | Leo Szilard realizes that nuclear chain reactions may be possible. |
1934 | Enrico Fermi formulates his theory of beta decay. |
1934 | Lev Landau tells Edward Teller that nonlinear molecules may have vibrational modes which remove the degeneracy of an orbitally degenerate state. |
1934 | Enrico Fermi suggests bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons to make a 93 proton element. |
1934 | Pavel Cerenkov reports that light is emitted by relativistic particles traveling in a nonscintillating liquid. |
1935 | Hideki Yukawa presents a theory of strong interactions and predicts mesons. |
1935 | Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen put forth the EPR paradox. |
1935 | Niels Bohr presents his analysis of the EPR paradox. |
1936 | Eugene Wigner develops the theory of neutron absorption by atomic nuclei. |
1936 | Hans Jahn and Edward Teller present their systematic study of the symmetry types for which the Jahn-Teller effect is expected. |
1937 | H. Hellmann finds the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. |
1937 | Seth Neddermeyer, Carl Anderson, J.C. Street, and E.C. Stevenson discover muons using cloud chamber measurements of cosmic rays. |
1939 | Richard Feynman finds the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. |
1939 | Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman bombard uranium salts with thermal neutrons and discover barium among the reaction products. |
1939 | Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch determine that nuclear fission is taking place in the Hahn-Strassman experiments. |
1942 | Enrico Fermi makes the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. |
1942 | Ernst Stuckelberg introduces the propagator to positron theory and interprets positrons as negative energy electrons moving backwards through spacetime. |
1943 | Sin-Itiro Tomonaga publishes his paper on the basic physical principles of quantum electrodynamics. |
1947 | Willis Lamb and Robert Retheford measure the Lamb-Retheford shift. |
1947 | Cecil Powell, C.M.G. Lattes, and G.P.S. Occhialini discover the pi-meson by studying cosmic ray tracks. |
1947 | Richard Feynman presents his propagator approach to quantum electrodynamics. |
1948 | Hendrik Casimir predicts a rudimentary attractive Casimir force on a parallel plate capacitor. |
1951 | Martin Deutsch discovers positronium. |
1953 | R. Wilson observes Delbruck scattering of 1.33 MeV gamma-rays by the electric fields of lead nuclei. |
1954 | Chen Yang and Robert Mills investigate a theory of hadronic isospin by demanding local gauge invariance under isotopic spin space rotations; first non-Abelian gauge theory. |
1955 | Owen Chamberlain, Emilio Segre, Clyde Wiegand, and Thomas Ypsilantis discover the antiproton. |
1956 | Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan detect antineutrinos. |
1956 | Chen Yang and Tsung Lee propose parity violation by the weak force. |
1956 | Chien Shiung Wu discovers parity violation by the weak force in decaying cobalt. |
1957 | Gerhart Luders proves the CPT theorem. |
1957 | Richard Feynman, Murray Gell-Mann, Robert Marshak, and Ennackel Sudarshan propose a V-A Lagrangian for weak interactions. |
1958 | Marcus Sparnaay experimentally confirms the Casimir effect. |
1959 | Yakir Aharonov and David Bohm predict the Aharonov-Bohm effect. |
1960 | R.G. Chambers experimentally confirms the Aharonov-Bohm effect. |
1961 | Murray Gell-Mann and Yuval Neeman discover the Eightfold Way patterns; SU(3) group. |
1961 | Jeffery Goldstone considers the breaking of global phase symmetry. |
1962 | Leon Lederman shows that the electron neutrino is distinct from the muon neutrino. |
1963 | Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig propose the quark/aces model. |
1964 | Peter Higgs considers the breaking of local phase symmetry. |
1964 | J.S. Bell shows that all local hidden variable theories must satisfy Bell's inequality. |
1964 | Val Fitch and James Cronin observe CP violation by the weak force in the decay of K mesons. |
1967 | Steven Weinberg puts forth his electroweak model of leptons. |
1969 | J.C. Clauser, M. Horne, A. Shimony, and R. Holt propose a polarization correlation test of Bell's inequality. |
1970 | Sheldon Glashow, John Iliopoulos, and Luciano Maiani propose the charm quark. |
1971 | Gerard 't Hooft shows that the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg electroweak model can be renormalized. |
1972 | S. Freedman and J.C. Clauser perform the first polarization correlation test of Bell's inequality. |
1973 | David Politzer proposes the asymptotic freedom of quarks. |
1974 | Burton Richter and Samuel Ting discover the psi meson implying the existence of the charm quark. |
1975 | Martin Perl discovers the tauon. |
1977 | S.W. Herb finds the upsilon resonance implying the existence of the beauty quark. |
1982 | A. Aspect, J. Dalibard, and G. Roger perform a polarization correlation test of Bell's inequality that rules out conspiratorial polarizer communication.
www.3rd1000.com/chronology/chrono.htm |
Blog de cursos y estudiantes de Químicas del Departamento de Ciencias Quimico-Biológicas en la Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Chronology of Quantum Mechanics, Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics
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De entre todos los compuestos químicos que existen, quizá sean los llamados compuestos de coordinación los que mayores dificultades ofrecen ...
Básicamente el video habla por sí sólo. Se tiene una cerveza fría líquida recién sacada del refrigerador o congelador, se le da un golpe y e...
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