Thursday, April 29, 2010

Violin Rosin with gold Nanoparticles

Rosin is the substance that a violinist uses to make the hair on his bow sticky. If a bow's hair has never been rosined it will not produce usable sound when drawn across the strings. Once rosined, the hair actually grips the string and pulls it but since the bow keeps moving the string snaps back to its original position . where it is caught again by the rosin on the hair and the cycle is repeated. This happens very, very quickly. In the case of your A-string 440 times per second. Without the rosin's grip, the hair just slides over the string and you essentially hear nothing.

The rosin that comes from the tree is heated and purified, and then comes the step that rosin makers will not talk about. Each manufacturer has his own recipe. The recipe is a closely guarded secret. Different resins may be added. Some add beeswax. Others even add gold, silver, lead or copper flecks, saying that it adds to the rosin's ability to grip the string. Gold nanoparticles in rosin are now a interesting product, that gives an smoother sound without losing string contact.

Apenas unos gramos de esta brea sale a unos 40 USD cuando normalmente cuestan 5 USD pero la pregunta aquí es de que nos sirven las nanoparticulas de oro en el arco. Violinistas de primer nivel como Hilary Hann y David Garret han dado muy buenos reviews sobre el efecto que tiene e inmediatamente obtaron por usarla. ¿Modificara la onda de alguna manera? ¿o surge una interacción ente el metal de la cuerda y el metal ahora presente en el arco?

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